- What i liked about the class was:
- The lessons,
- The informative videos,
- Life planning Notebook!,
- CTR Cards,
- and the goals i set up to make.
2.What i did not like:
3. Some reccomendations:
- More ctr card checks,
- Free time,
- More minutes for ctw actions,
- And longer relfections.
4. The highlight for me in this class was:
- Making another blog, as in i could make several blogs of different topics like video games, food?, spanish, etc.
5. I believe that i couldove done much better in this class than i was doing. I was behaving poorly, reporting poorly, and bieng a bad lyer, in wivh i want to improve and never be like this again. So if i could rate this out of 5 stars i would say 3.
6.Im going to be completly honest, i think ive been slacking off whith my notebook wich in turn made me wright down a goal saying every time i get a life planning goals book, i will spend 5 minues on it everyday.
7. Yes i am commited to being a CTR person because i decided to recently without a contract.
8.What i learned to pass on and help in this class was the morals and lessons i was taught here, and to show everyone i know little by little what i learned.
9. To choose the right until i die.