Duties and Responsibilities: An Acupuncture is a person who
workers on the body to keep it equilibrium. Acupuncture have to know every part
of the body so they energy work in all directions. Most of the time the
equipment Acupuncture use are very fine needles. Acupuncture has to know where
to place these needles. These needles are placed on your body on specific
points to regulate the flow of Qi.
Salary: $29,515-$102,614
Education: Acupuncture mostly needs a Master’s degree. On top of
that they have to study different methods. Those methods are cupping, needle, and
moxibustion. They all study how to insert the into the correct nerve pathway.
Reflection Do you think you will like to become One? Why? Why not? No because I don’t want to get payed little.
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