
Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Right Right

"Right is Right only when entire."
-Victor Hugo

Image result for victor hugoImage result for victor hugoImage result for victor hugo

Reflection: What i believe this means, is that if you lie entirely that just means your whole story is a lie. If you tell partial truth, that just makes it a lie. If you tell the whole story truthfully but tell a small lie it just makes a whole lie. Nothing is clear when you tell a lie, you just make smoke. Its clear when you tell the truth though because, if you say everything truthfully, then it will make sense. But if you tell a lie its going to sound i bit cheesy, you just make it worse. WHY? because you'll have to remember the whole lie then you will have to repeat those lies until you just admit that you were lying, you might say it in time, but sometimes its way too late. Telling the truth will make things clear even if you do manage to make a mistake, you should tell the truth even if you end up in trouble. For example you stole an idea and then you were privileged to make it to the top 10 students of the class because you cheated. This makes things bad and eventually people will find out, even if it means that you tell them yourselves or by there own terms. Ill save you some advice and say tel the truth, it might work up the nerve to say it, but I'm telling you now telling thew truth will save you a lot of embarrassment.

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